
This blog collects all of my research on Dr. Devra Bogdanovich as well as becoming a way to tell her story. You can check the What is this page for an overview of the project, or browse through the Bio and Career pages to learn about Dr. Bogdanovich's work and life. The main part of the blog will serve as a journal of my journey to document my research and to pay homage to a distinguished scientist.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Quantum Biology Scenario

A few developments have come out since the CDC video regarding Devra's progress on the vaccine.  I've listed the highlights below.

Also - updated the Hubert Farlowe Journey map - he just keeps going - https://mapsengine.google.com/map/edit?mid=zlX7DUgxbivY.kjZ9iRjX90Sk

On May 25, Hubert posted his location at the CDC and the words "Helping Pack"

Devra also posted the following, if the potential she mentions exists, what implications does that have?

Recently, my internal CDC briefing on the state of the XM inoculation program was leaked to the public via the #IngressReport .

Firstly, there will be severe consequences when the person responsible is discovered, and they will be discovered, prosecuted to the full extent of the law and held in communication quarantine.

Secondly, the clear intention was to elicit irrational fear of the vaccine and obfuscate the threat XM poses to our species.

The threat is real. As I was among the first people exposed to mass doses of Exotic Matter, I can testify to its deleterious effects.  My background in Quantum Biology places me in a unique position to understand the catastrophic and imminent danger posed by exposure to high levels of XM.

As you are aware, multiple agencies and profit-driven corporations (+IQTech Research+Visur Technology and +Hulong Transglobal) are funneling a massive amount of resources towards the weaponization and commercialization of XM and the Ordered Data Patterns it utilizes.

I could imagine a thousand scenarios to describe the threat we face, but I'll present you only one:

Imagine you could write a small program that you could inject directly into a person's brain.
Imagine that you could deliver this program to billions of people without their consent or knowledge.
Imagine then that, at a moments notice, you could activate this program and fundamentally change the nature of a person. You could potentially turn an honest person into a thief, a gentle person into something ferocious, a conservative into a progressive, whatever your program dictates.

Now, imagine you have this power, and you could sell it.

While I will grant that this has not yet happened, let me assure you that our research shows that this is possible.  XM is the key to the human brain. XM is being used by an intelligence of unknown origin to influence human thought.

Whatever you believe of Enlightenment, or perhaps even of the utility of XM as something that could help to evolve our humanity, ask yourself this: Is it worth the risk?

I am working to preserve the sanctity and sanity of our species.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A vaccine

The following video was leaked yesterday. It is where the clips from last week's Ingress Report Feed came from. It seems a vaccine is available.  But as Hubert Farlowe said here "Look deep to see what's really happening with the Doc." - is there more to this?  Where are you Devra, where are you?

Also - 90


"As I am sure you are aware, there has been a great deal of speculation on my activities at the CDC since a briefing was leaked during 13Magnus. Working with government agencies and private corporations. We are attempting to head off the threat to humanity that XM posed by what we have come to know as exotic matter. We know that exposure to exotic matter, or XM,  can cause physical and mental harm including psychosis of the mind. And in some cases, mutation of human DNA through death and severe tissue denigration. Whatever XM is, whatever it is from, there is one thing that we know for sure, and that is that it is not safe. I, myself, have been exposed and I have seen the effects on others including insanity and disfigurement and death. My team is developing a vaccine against the involuntary and dangerous ingression into the human mind and body by XM. The vaccine renders human physiology immune to the effects of XM. Given the danger posed, it is our plan to distribute this vaccine globally. There will be no opt out mechanism.  Yes, there are side effects. It is true that many of our voluntary test subjects have died during clinical trials. And yet we go on. We can not let the loss of a few lives, or even a few hundred lives deter us from saving billions. We will begin the distribution of the latest revision of this vaccine at sixteen hundred hours today. While participation is strictly voluntary, I urge you all to consider early adoption. The current survival rate is greater than 80% in our tested 90 day period.

Thank you.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

A plea to Dr. Bogdanovich - Beware Bobby

Documents have been leaked that reveal a very troubling turn for Devra as well as the renewed goal of the westernization of XM, please, if you  read this, take care Doctor. Your work and methods have been questioned by many and the plea for transparency still exists, but it seems there are some who with to remove your work, completely.


Thursday, May 15, 2014

Clinical Trials

In the Ingress Report raw feed leaked today (May 15) there were clips involving Devra Bogdanovich - the transcript is below.  Many questions come with this video, it seems it is only part of a longer video, will we see the rest?  Who is she speaking to?  What is it that she basis the need to continue given the deaths.

She uses the word voluntary and clinical trials, two phrases that at least seem to be divergent from the last that had been heard about pushing a potential vaccine to all.


How will Dr. Bogdanovich be remembered when this is looked back in the scrolls of history?

Science dear doctor, does not always take us to the answers we wish we could find. What answers have you found?

Clip 1

... working with government agencies and private corporations. We are attempting to head of the threat to humanity that XM posed by what we have come to know as exotic matter.

Clip 2

Whatever XM is, whatever it is from, there is one thing we know for sure, and that is that it is not safe. 

Clip 3

Yes, there are side effects. It is true that many of our voluntary test subjects have died during clinical trials. And yet we go on.